Empower to Cook

The Reluctant Social Entrepeneur
“Home life was fraught with a myriad of challenges and surviving this turmoil was put before education.
This left me in my own world at school. Partly as a coping mechanism from this chaos but also undiagnosed ADHD…”
Read more of Michael’s personal blog 3 here…

May is a positive manifestation for World Peace and it builds up a global consciousness of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. We love this .
May Day Bank Holiday is on 6th, International Nurses Day 12th, Walk to School Week 20-24th and Late Spring Bank Holiday on 27 May are all worthy of a mention.
Eating locally produced seasonal food is not only more tasty, healthy and affordable but is better for our environment too. Why not visit your local market greengrocer's stall or farm shop for inspiration and google some recipes using your favourite veg?
#shoplocal #whatsinseason
#buylocal #vegetables #local #season #SeasonalEating #EatSeasonally #seasonal #seasonaleating #seasonalfood #nutrition #empowertocook

2 April is Autism Awareness Day and 22 April is Earth Day.
23 April was both Shakespeare's birthday and the date of his death.
(And there’s a total solar eclipse over the US)
Seasonal food is fresher and so tends to be tastier and more nutritious. Have fun googling different veg and choose a recipe to try or take a look at our cookbook - there’s a recipe suggestion and info on what's in surplus in Bucks each month bit.ly/E2C-cookbook
#buylocal #vegetables #season #wellbeing #SeasonalEating #EatSeasonally #seasonal #whatsinseason #seasonalfood #empowertocook #shoplocal

March marks the beginning of spring and the Spring Equinox, International Women’s Day is 8 March and daylight saving begins at the end of the month .
Food waste action week is 4-10 March.
Eating seasonally in March means eating foods that are naturally ready to harvest this month. Parsnips, rhubarb, radishes and carrots are some of the foods now in season
#vegetables #SeasonalEating #foodeducation #wellbeing #season #EatSeasonally #whatsinseason #seasonalfood #wycombe #highwycombe #amersham #aylesbury #chesham
Michael Brown
is interviewed with Mark Hicken, Managing Director of Janssen UK.
Janssen is the pharmaceutical arm of Johnson & Johnson.
Download and read the full article here:
Check out the latest blog post featuring Michael Brown, The Reluctant Social Entrepreneur, as he shares his journey of overcoming adversity and achieving success. Dive into his story and find inspiration in his resilience. Read the full blog here: https://michaelbrown122.substack.com/p/introduction

Many of the days celebrated in February are food-related but we particularly like the sound of eat ice-cream for breakfast day on the 3rd.
Random Acts of Kindness Day is 17 February but most importantly use your extra day on Thursday 29th wisely.
When you cook what's in season you get the best food available: it hasn't travelled far, has the best flavour, is cheaper and often in abundance.

Happy New Year!
January is the best time to start planning your garden for the upcoming season and you might spot some snowdrops this month. Stay warm and cosy with soups and stews. Try a potato and kale soup or winter bean stew.
There are lots of great vegetables in season in January. For Meat-free Monday inspiration pick a few from the list and google for a seasonal recipe or check out Meat Free Monday for recipe ideas. It’s a great way to discover new recipes
#SeasonalEating #Veganuary #MeatFreeMonday #eattheseasons #inseason #whatsinseason

December 21 is the Winter solstice. Of course we have Christmas and all the enthusiasm for the New Year to come whilst we reflect on the year ending.
When you cook what's in season you get the best food available: it hasn't travelled far, has the best flavour, is cheaper and often in abundance.
Many of these will be perfect drizzled in olive oil and roasted, alongside some fruit for a festive dessert

As the nights draw in we start pulling out those warmer winter outfits in November and we celebrate World Kindness Day.
Seasonal eating is something that humanity has been practising since the dawn of time, only then it was simply called ‘eating’ 😀.
Choose a few ingredients from the list and google them to find a seasonal recipe. We love discovering new recipes this way!

October brings Halloween, the changing of the clocks and plenty of seasonal fruit and veg.
Eating seasonally in October means eating foods that are naturally ready to harvest this month. Aubergine, butternut squash and wild mushrooms are just a few of the foods now in season.
Leafy kale and leeks can be added to healthy green soups and stews, while bright butternut squash adds colour to easy traybakes

Eating locally produced seasonal food is not only more tasty, healthy and affordable but is better for our environment too. You're also helping to reduce food waste and support your local economy.
So next time you're at the supermarket or green grocer’s, reach for the seasonal fruits and vegetables. Your taste buds and the planet will thank you.
The Wycombe Environment Centre High Wycombe Community Board
#shoplocal #whatsinseason #healthyfood #vegetables #season #wellbeing #SeasonalEating #EatSeasonally #nutrition

Here’s what to buy from the market, add to your veg box delivery, or pick from your kitchen garden or allotment over the next few weeks…
Apples are in abundance, so why not make a crumble?
Or a substantial vegetable curry using onion, potatoes, squash and mushrooms?

Seasonal eating is something that humanity has been practicing since the dawn of time, only then it was simply called ‘eating’
Choose a few ingredients from the list below and google them to find a seasonal recipe. We love discovering new recipes this way!
#SeasonalEating #seasonal #inseason #vegetables